1. Introduction and
Beshom Holdings Berhad
(“Beshom” or the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are committed to
conducting its businesses in a lawful and ethical manner and maintaining high
standards of ethics and integrity.
This Whistle-Blowing
Policy is established to provide employees, stakeholders (e.g. shareholders,
customers, distributors, suppliers, and the public) an avenue to raise genuine
concerns about wrongdoings, misconduct, illegal acts, or unethical business conduct
that is taking place, has taken place, or may take place in the future
2. What can be Reported?
All stakeholders,
including employees, distributors, the public, etc., are encouraged to disclose
any information or raise a genuine concern about serious wrongdoings,
misconduct, illegal acts, or unethical business conduct including but not
limited to fraud, corruption, malpractice, financial irregularities,
dishonesty, criminal activities, personal misconduct, and serious breach of the
Group’s internal policies, procedures, or applicable codes (e.g. Code of
Ethics) (generally summarized as the “Wrongdoing”).
This Policy does not cover
complaints or grievances relating to employment or other business with the
Group, which shall be dealt with in accordance with other existing procedures
of the Group, unless they involve wrongdoings, misconduct, illegal acts, unethical
business conduct.
This whistle-blowing
system is not intended to be used for the following:
· general complaints about the Group’s
products or services;
· matters which are trivial or frivolous
or malicious or vexatious in nature or motivated by personal agenda or ill
· matters pending or determined through
any tribunal or authority or court, arbitration, or other similar proceedings.
Any Disclosure should be
based on good faith with a reasonable belief that the information and any
allegation in it are substantially true. Any abuse of the whistle-blowing
system will be viewed seriously and treated as a gross misconduct.
3. Making a Disclosure
a) A whistle-blower may make the
Disclosure either in writing (including email) or orally.
b) A whistle-blower shall include the
basis or reasons for his/her concerns including as many details as possible in
relation to the Disclosure. However, A whistle-blower is not expected to obtain
substantial evidence of proof beyond reasonable doubt when making a
c) The whistle-blower has the
right to remain anonymous when making a Disclosure. However, it is usually
easier to conduct a more effective and fair investigation if he/she could
identify himself/herself and disclose as much information as possible within his/her
d) First Contact Point
i. If
the whistle-blower is an employee of the Group, his/her first contact point
shall be his/her direct superior or line manager. However, for any reason, if
it is believed that this is not possible or not appropriate, he/she may report
to the Head of Group HR, as follows:
Head of
Group HR: Jessica Lim
No.: +(603) – 3342 3322 ext. 513
Email: jessica@beshom.com
ii. If the whistle-blower is a distributor
of the Group, he/she shall make the Disclosure to the SHOM Compliance
Unit, via the following email: COE@shom.com.my.
iii. If the whistle-blower is neither an employee
nor a distributor of the Group, he/she shall make the report to the Head
of Group HR.
e) Prescribed Persons
If a whistle-blower
believes that it will be inappropriate to report to the First Contact Point,
the whistle-blower can make the Disclosure to any of the Prescribed Persons, as
Prescribed Persons |
Group Managing Director |
Group Executive Director |
Name |
Mr. Tan Keng Kang |
Mr. Hew Von Kin |
Office No. |
+(603)-33423322, Ext:518 |
+(603)-33423322, Ext:515 |
Email |
For any Disclosures made
via email to the Prescribed Persons, the email shall be addressed to the
dedicated whistle-blowing email provided above, which is accessible by all
Prescribed Persons.
For any Disclosures made
via phone calls, orally, or in writing, the Prescribed Persons are generally
required to inform each other of the Disclosure.
If the Disclosure issue
involves any of the Prescribed Persons or any Directors, it shall be made to
the Independent Directors of the Group, in accordance with Item 3(f) below.
f) In the case where making a
Disclosure to management is a concern, then the report may be made directly to
the Audit Committee Chairman, who is an Independent Director of Beshom, as
Audit Committee Chairman |
Name |
Ms. Tan Beng Ling |
Email: |
g) Any persons who receives a
verbal Disclosure in accordance with Paragraph 3(d), (e), or (f)
above shall put in writing the Disclosure and its details which is to be
confirmed by the whistle-blower.
4. Actions in relation to the
a) In addressing any
Disclosures, depending on the seriousness of the alleged Wrongdoing, the
relevant authorities within the Group shall decide on how the Disclosure
shall be handled, including investigation, enquiries, and deliberations on the
b) All alleged Wrongdoings
involving fraud or bribery shall be notified to the Audit Committee, who shall
have the authority to designate any person, within the Group or external to the
Group, to oversee and conduct relevant investigation.
c) All alleged Wrongdoings
involving a Director or a Prescribed Persons shall be escalated to the Audit
Committee, who shall handle the Disclosure, including investigation, enquiries,
and deliberations on the outcome.
d) In general, an independent
party, which may be the internal audit, an external independent auditor
or professional, or an Independent Director, shall always be involved in
an investigation process.
e) Any person, including
Directors if any, who are related to or involved in the alleged wrongdoing
concerning the Disclosure shall be excluded from the investigation,
recommendation, and deliberation procedures to ensure the objectivity and
independence of the Disclosure handling process.
f) All Disclosures received and handled
by the First Contact Point and Prescribed Persons are required to be
summarized in a report to the Executive Risk Committee, at least once in a
5. Being informed and having the
opportunity to be heard
a) A whistle-blower shall be
informed of the status of his/her Disclosure, including the outcome of
the deliberation, as far as reasonably practicable, in writing.
b) The alleged wrongdoer,
which may include the whistle-blower in the event the whistle-blower is
implicated or discovered to be involved in the allegation, may be asked to
attend a meeting to discuss the allegations and he/she shall take all
reasonable steps to attend the meeting. He/she shall be given an opportunity to
answer the allegations at the meeting which shall be minuted.
c) If an investigation is
conducted on a whistle-blower who is implicated or discovered to be involved in
the allegation, it shall not be treated as a reprisal against the
whistle-blower but a facilitation of fact-finding and decision making.
6. Whistle-blower’s Protection
a) Every effort will be made
to protect and keep confidential a whistle-blower’s identity, subject to
relevant legal constraints.
b) A whistle-blower shall be
protected from reprisal within the Group as a direct consequence of a
Disclosure made in good faith. A reprisal refers to any disciplinary actions,
which may include a warning or letter or reprimand, demotion, loss of merit,
loss of bonus, suspension without pay, or termination of employment. Any such
reprisal against the whistle-blower shall be consider a serious breach of this
c) If a whistle-blower reasonably believes
he/she is being subjected to harassment, victimization, reprisal as a direct
consequent of having made a disclosure under this Policy, he/she may reach out
to higher authority as provided in Paragraph 3(e) or (f) above. Essentially,
the complaint shall be processed in a similar manner as a whistle-blowing
7. Review of this Policy
This Policy is approved by
the Board of Directors of Beshom on 1 April 2022.
This Policy shall be reviewed by the Company periodically or at least once in three years.